studded clutch:TJmAxx, bracelets:mostly thrifted, rings:f21, beanie:unknown
C:Ok so life is getting stressful considering everyones deciding on dates for counties (a school dance in January)... and its girls ask guys, BLA. So me and mag are still deciding who to bring! Anyways, we are taking a train to this really good mall on saturday and i'm pumped to go to H&M. I really need a new dress for the soccer banquet, and ive also been dying for some desert boots and over the knee sox!! We'll be sure to post some pics later this weekend. +++i'm out.
from C3PO
sender-time Sent at 11:35 AM (GMT+01:00). Current time there: 9:00 PM. ✆
date Thu, Nov 18, 2010 at 11:35 AM
subject Spacer
Hy there
I am not really pretty sure about,why i am writing to you...i am from Slovenia and there are some forces from some another space&time coming on me and they guide me daily,most likely to the people like you and frankly,i am not so sure,what can i write you because of that..probably they want's to learn something through our,this means,when they woke me with really precise and really dirty precise and exactly pointed Tachyon sounds,which amplified any sound to unbelievable levels,ieg,the sound of a small insect can be amplified to 12dB and even more,you can actually get deaf,it they want's so,but,they just want's to show me,what they are capable to i like the sounds and i do have really nice Hi-Fi audio system and i did made my Turntable application with 230Kilios of weight to listen my LP collection a little better,as it is usually with other similar devices on market,in fact,in year 90,there was the second the biggest Tachyon hit present,so,that meant,that,people will do their progress really faster,so they make me to start building my 250kilos of weight Turntable and i did finished it 8years later,as i didn't have any money and late,i get ill little more serious and this year were coming on me with the Tachyon hit equal to 6-7 adult and strong male,that's why i remembered it,as they hit me really strong in my brains at the local PO here,which also means the start of more serious,non Earthly healing,as my body was exhausted and i did take care for my health being vegan and do a colonic things everyday within 8years with more,than 20liters of pure,pre filtered water in my ass,so,anything was really pointed and guided by these,i call them The Light People,which can rule the sound,the Light and they also made our lives through the Tachyons and they also can move our Galaxy with the Tachyons,so,this means,that in your everyday,you aren't alone,as they appears below your consciousness and also below subconsciousness,so they are untraceable,as they are faster,as the light and also your mind with the Tachyons,with which they guide our lives..
oh,yes,i did experienced the insectswith 120dB+ of loud noise alive and a lot more things this year in these 6months by now and all of these were as beautiful,as nothing on this Earth...i did also make some day some few weeks ago,they showed me the Dragonfly and the space ship like shapes within the clouds,they send me many of this kind of messages,imagine,that someone is sending you clouds like message in the sky...i am the Snake in chinese horoscope and they put some name on me to remember it,like Verdon and they also put in front of my walking some dead Dragonfly at that time,to test me,how would i react,they also put in some store and guide me there the Parfum called Verdon(btw,i do have some Backpack named Verdon,what a coincidence-Verdon is some state in France,where some fine vines are made,i guess) also,to show me,how and what everything they can do to take my intention,which is all about as they want's to learn an they are hardly trying to find people like me to understand,that this is not a boooo thing and not a fear thing,which people are reacting mostly on..
Yesterday,they guided me to the the Spacer video on youtube and i did listen it,as i like the original music from that time,in fact,any original music and i didn't care for this title and they guided me to find all my music,which i did remembered only by the words,not titles and i found all this music within 50+titles in one single week,which is quite impossible to achieve,as i did know only for the music and the words of the title itself,you know,when you sing and you remember the music that way...then,after two hours,they pointed me again and i was forced to seek in Wikipedia for the meaning of this spacer thing and it means like this:
"A spacer is generally something used to create a space between two objects, often to properly position them.",most likely is,that they want's to find people,which will understand and not to be afraid of,as they contact you through the light and colors and really annoying sounds with the Tachyons and it can be really annoying,as it looks like electric shock to the brains and also the heart,so,this means,that they are healing you their way,which is unbelievable,they can do a surgery in your brain,just as you walk and do your ordinary day routine work,so they are faster,as your mind,you will not understand,but,only your body and brain reaction will tell you,that something may not compute here,as the contrast between that and your known life will be really big,so you will understand that probably as some strange attack by unknown an not seen forces and this mostly in people produces big fear anf this is reallly big obstacle for them to make you better,as you deserved and because we phumans are in need for higher consciousness to be raised by these Lighjt People,which made us and this means,your parents aren't your real parents,we are made by the Astral Footprint of the best people at any time,so they use our body information to made another people by the birth,known to us,but,they are faster,so,they can implement any information throught the Tachyons at any time,as they can coma through the light colors spectrum and sound to penetrate through your body and do a things with the Tachyons,which are the Galaxy Keeper,at least i call it so,as they can rule everything probably...
oh,yes,i did experienced the insectswith 120dB+ of loud noise alive and a lot more things this year in these 6months by now and all of these were as beautiful,as nothing on this Earth...i did also make some day some few weeks ago,they showed me the Dragonfly and the space ship like shapes within the clouds,they send me many of this kind of messages,imagine,that someone is sending you clouds like message in the sky...i am the Snake in chinese horoscope and they put some name on me to remember it,like Verdon and they also put in front of my walking some dead Dragonfly at that time,to test me,how would i react,they also put in some store and guide me there the Parfum called Verdon(btw,i do have some Backpack named Verdon,what a coincidence-Verdon is some state in France,where some fine vines are made,i guess) also,to show me,how and what everything they can do to take my intention,which is all about as they want's to learn an they are hardly trying to find people like me to understand,that this is not a boooo thing and not a fear thing,which people are reacting mostly on..
Yesterday,they guided me to the the Spacer video on youtube and i did listen it,as i like the original music from that time,in fact,any original music and i didn't care for this title and they guided me to find all my music,which i did remembered only by the words,not titles and i found all this music within 50+titles in one single week,which is quite impossible to achieve,as i did know only for the music and the words of the title itself,you know,when you sing and you remember the music that way...then,after two hours,they pointed me again and i was forced to seek in Wikipedia for the meaning of this spacer thing and it means like this:
"A spacer is generally something used to create a space between two objects, often to properly position them.",most likely is,that they want's to find people,which will understand and not to be afraid of,as they contact you through the light and colors and really annoying sounds with the Tachyons and it can be really annoying,as it looks like electric shock to the brains and also the heart,so,this means,that they are healing you their way,which is unbelievable,they can do a surgery in your brain,just as you walk and do your ordinary day routine work,so they are faster,as your mind,you will not understand,but,only your body and brain reaction will tell you,that something may not compute here,as the contrast between that and your known life will be really big,so you will understand that probably as some strange attack by unknown an not seen forces and this mostly in people produces big fear
oh,yes,i did experienced the insectswith 120dB+ of loud noise alive and a lot more things this year in these 6months by now and all of these were as beautiful,as nothing on this Earth...i did also make some day some few weeks ago,they showed me the Dragonfly and the space ship like shapes within the clouds,they send me many of this kind of messages,imagine,that someone is sending you clouds like message in the sky...i am the Snake in chinese horoscope and they put some name on me to remember it,like Verdon and they also put in front of my walking some dead Dragonfly at that time,to test me,how would i react,they also put in some store and guide me there the Parfum called Verdon(btw,i do have some Backpack named Verdon,what a coincidence-Verdon is some state in France,where some fine vines are made,i guess) also,to show me,how and what everything they can do to take my intention,which is all about as they want's to learn an they are hardly trying to find people like me to understand,that this is not a boooo thing and not a fear thing,which people are reacting mostly on..
Yesterday,they guided me to the the Spacer video on youtube and i did listen it,as i like the original music from that time,in fact,any original music and i didn't care for this title and they guided me to find all my music,which i did remembered only by the words,not titles and i found all this music within 50+titles in one single week,which is quite impossible to achieve,as i did know only for the music and the words of the title itself,you know,when you sing and you remember the music that way...then,after two hours,they pointed me again and i was forced to seek in Wikipedia for the meaning of this spacer thing and it means like this:
"A spacer is generally something used to create a space between two objects, often to properly position them.",most likely is,that they want's to find people,which will understand and not to be afraid of,as they contact you through the light and colors and really annoying sounds with the Tachyons and it can be really annoying,as it looks like electric shock to the brains and also the heart,so,this means,that they are healing you their way,which is unbelievable,they can do a surgery in your brain,just as you walk and do your ordinary day routine work,so they are faster,as your mind,you will not understand,but,only your body and brain reaction will tell you,that something may not compute here,as the contrast between that and your known life will be really big,so you will understand that probably as some strange attack by unknown an not seen forces and this mostly in people produces big fear anf this is reallly big obstacle for them to make you better,as you deserved and because we phumans are in need for higher consciousness to be raised by these Lighjt People,which made us and this means,your parents aren't your real parents,we are made by the Astral Footprint of the best people at any time,so they use our body information to made another people by the birth,known to us,but,they are faster,so,they can implement any information throught the Tachyons at any time,as they can coma through the light colors spectrum and sound to penetrate through your body and do a things with the Tachyons,which are the Galaxy Keeper,at least i call it so,as they can rule everything probably...
There is a lot more,so,as they guide me,ie,today,i did turned my computer on few minutes ago and i didn't know,what to do,i did randomly typed the "nji" letters and i am here...not knowing,why and what to write,but,most likely is,that you are important and they guided me to you to tell you this story,as you are really young and you perhaps are in need for something in your life to lean on,or something really as new,which may not be as ordinary,so,your turn now most likely and this means,that your life is stopped in some way and they guided me to you,that i show you with my experience,that,you have now really nice reason to go further more with your understanding,as the life is not stopping,when you think,it is stopped at this time in your life..
interesting thing also is,that,i do know personally Jim McCullough,which run the Matthew-James Cello brand just about in Connecticut and he is also a great guy,there is nobody similar with that kind of knowledge,which he put it in his Cello electronics,he is the best :)
So,now you know,you are important and now it's your turn most likely :)
The reality,which you are capable to see,is not the only reality...your fear may stop this other reality to be seen in full potential,so,don't be afraid..
Check Q-Link www site..these are made to communicate with these Light People,as this product will do for you,that you can withstand the Tachyon hit more easily,as the Light People doesn't want to fry our brains,they want's to raise our consciousness,that we will be prepared one day to travel really in different way and to get rid of anything bad in our Earth...
I do wear this Q-Linkf for three months now and it is heavily fried with silver dot,or ellipse dot below the coated resin,so this means,that i have been hit by the Tachyons really was most beautiful time in my life and most annoying also...our brains and body,when compared with their knowledge,is really retarded,so,they want's to make us better,but,if your consciousness is low and your fear too big,you will stuck at one point and the colors will stop flowing within your body and you can get ill,as i was..they are repairing me now,but,they say i am the new King Of The Sun,whatever that means and i do see really drastically changing my body and consciousness..they showed me the Persephone,the Godess and the Zeus itself...the Thunder was spoken to me before all of this started and it was the Thunder without any Doppler effect and the same time,Thunder was having the emotion,which cannot be described and compared with any of our earthly emotions whatsoever,it was simply like the God is speaking to me and it i God,as he know,how to rule the Light and the Tachyons,which are creating our lives..
I have some pictures of,so,if you want,i can send it to you to see for yourself...
I am really interested,what these Light People does have reserved for you,as you are really young,i may even say and younger people does not need repairing,as someone little older :)
Matej (my Internet name)
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